In my christian lifestyle I have chosen one word to focus on for 2014!

August 2012I remember January 1, 2012. I wanted to spend more time learning about God and His Word. It was a difficult year for me. I wanted to give up many, many times. I was not familiar with two specific words at the time, they were words I had N-E-V-E-R heard before! “spiritual attack”

I have since learned that when you desire a closer relationship with our Creator, Satan wants  you to have absolutely no part of that! He will do everything to slow you down, frustrate you, make you feel inferior, and put so many obstacles in your pathway to trip you up and make you FALL DOWN HARD! For me falling hard really wasn’t necessary! Just a simple fall sent me tumbling in despair! When you have only small amounts of self-esteem it doesn’t take much to trip you up!

I remember one morning I was reading from my iPhone using The Bible App.  I read Jeremiah 29: 11-13.  I was still in bed, the first thing it said was, “For I know the plans I have for you…”  W-H-O-A! Hey now! God knows the plans He has for me?  I really liked that! I really liked what all three scriptures had to say!

When a quote or a scripture hits me in a good way I like to write it down and frame it and put it in my office on the wall or somewhere so I can see it everyday! I was still in bed when I decided I needed to put this in my bedroom because I wanted to read this every morning as a reminder that God has plans for me! I was so excited! I decided I couldn’t wait to frame this I had to have this now! RIGHT NOW! I jumped out of bed and walked across to the door from my bedroom door in to my office and I knew I had a new magic marker in the top left drawer. I fished around until I found it and I just happen to have a small step stool in my bedroom to stand on and I decided right in that moment I WAS going to write on my bedroom wall! It’s MY bedroom! I own this home! I can write on the wall if I want too! RIGHT? I thought to myself! Well…this IS the wall on my half of the bedroom! So I just did it!

I stood on that step stool and started writing, copying from The Bible App and when I got to verse 12 where it said, I will listen to you,  I underlined it! No one listened to me! NO ONE! There were many people in my home but no one listened to me, no one cared what I said! Even my own husband did not listen to me! I would talk to him and he said he was listening to me but the very next day he could not remember what I had said! How sad it was to be lonely in your own home! When I was done writing the scriptures on the wall I decided to put the date and then I decided to put the time I had completed writing them down! I had no idea how important that would be to me in my future!

Now here it is the year 2014 is bearing down on me and I am starting another chapter in my life! So much has happened to me since I read that scripture in bed on my smart phone!

So much more I am looking forward to is about to develop right before my eyes!

Join me? Will you?

I need people praying for me! People supporting me! People loving me! People teaching me!

I want to walk where you have walked! I want to walk where I have never walked before! I want others to walk where I have walked! I want to make sure that God gets all the glory, and honor, and praise!

I have butterflies in my tummy! I just imagine that they are pretty pastel colors tickling me and reminding me I am on a journey I will never forget or would that be never regret?

Thanks for the prayers and thanks for listening!


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