In my christian lifestyle I have chosen one word to focus on for 2014!

All Is Not Well

It is really tough being sick! It is January 2nd and I have not been to the gym, have not been to the nursing home to care for my mother, I have not been out of my house for many, many days! It started with what I thought was a sinus infection around December 5th or 6th and has been relentless in driving me crazy! On December 25th I woke up with a massive, painful sore throat and has steadily progressed in to even more symptoms! I feel like I have almost coughed up most of my internal organs and the amount of mucus could easily fill a large salad bowl! (sorry for that yucky description) I had hoped I would start feeling better today but after 11 and 1/2 hours of sleep I awoke to wheezing that could be heard across the room! I still could not hold my head up for very long and assumed the fetal position once again. 

It is freaky that I am starting the new year off with an illness instead of the gung-ho attitude I had wanted to start with! I can barely hold my head up to write and I have been trying all day to do this! Well its all good! Tomorrow is another day! 

Thanks for the prayers and thanks for listening!







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